
Catalyzing STEM Education and Public Engagement through the IANAS Science Education Program

Catalyzing STEM Education and Public Engagement through the IANAS Science Education Program

Catalyzing STEM Education and Public Engagement through the IANAS Science Education Program
The Science Education Program reactivated with the aim to reignite a focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and public engagement by member countries, and catalyze collaborations to share effective practice. A panel was put together to work on a statement that identifies the barriers to science education that hinder or prevent young people from planning careers in science. This panel brought together people from all over the Americas: Bruce Alberts, USA; Carlos Bosch, Mexico; Marcelo Cabido, Argentina; Beatriz Caputto (Chair of panel), Argentina; Cesar Carranza, Perú; Roseli de Deus Lopes, Brazil; Alicia Dickenstein, Argentina; Isabel Dotti, Argentina; Ismael Mauricio Duque Escobar, Colombia; Debora Foguel, Brazil; Margarita Gómez Sarmiento, Colombia; Rita Hoyos, Argentina; Hugo Maccioni, Argentina; Uldarico Malaspina, Perú; Carol O’Donnell, USA; Silvina Ponce Dawson, Argentina; Norma Sbarbati Nudelman, Argentina; Bonnie Schmidt (Editor), Canada; and Juan Tirao, Argentina. The final statement that was prepared, “Catalyzing STEM Education and Public Engagement through the IANAS Science Education Program” includes recommendations to improve access to education for students disadvantaged by poverty, social class, race and other factors but also for girls and young women.
Read the English version here...