
The Latin America and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC) II Regional Assembly

The Latin America and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC) is pleased to invite the entire geophysical community of the planet to its II Regional Assembly, which will be held in San José, Costa Rica, from the 20th to the 22nd of June 2016. LACSC is one of four Regional Commissions of IASPEI.

During the last few years, the Latin America and Caribbean region has undergone rapid seismological development, in both local network density, as well as scientific production. Individual country networks are beginning to be integrated into large regional, continental and global networks, allowing real time acquisition of a large amount, andvariety of seismic data. Geodynamic control networks on volcanoes and for urban seismology, are opening new windows for the understanding of natural processes that generate disasters and for the mitigation of their effects.

This second assembly of LACSC aims to bring together scientists from all over the world and from many different geophysical fields. We already have 27 scientific sessions confirmed for this meeting which include themes like active, passive and surface wave tomography, seismic networks, tsunami studies, natural and anthropogenic induced seismicity, regional and local tectonics, GPS for tectonics and seismology, intra and interplate seismicity, urban seismology, offshore instrumentation, subduction processes, active geomorphology, paleoseismology, seismic hazards, seismological applications in engineering, slow slip events, tectonic tremor and volcano seismology, among others.

We invite theoretical seismologists, instrumentalists, volcano seismologists, paleoseismologists, earthquake engineers, seismological software programmers, crustal deformation geodesists, seismic source modelers, seismological instrumentation developers, seismic tomographers and any other geophysicists interested in contributing or learning about the future of seismology.

This scientific event will be hosted by both the Costa Rica National Academy of Sciences (ANC), the IUGG adhering institution, as well as by the National University (UNA), home of the Costa Rica Volcanological and Seismological Observatory (OVSICORI-UNA).

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