
IANAS Home Water Program

IANAS Home Water Program

IANAS Home Water Program

IANAS Home Water Program

IANAS Home Water Program


Katherine Vammen (Nicaragua)

[email protected]

The problem
Access to clean water is one of the major problems faced by humanity in the 21st century. Water problems are exacerbated by a long history of wasteful use and pollution. In the modern era demands for water increase in the face of limited or declining supplies thereby intensifying water scarcity. The Science Academies of the Americas established a regional water program to aid national governments in addressing the multiple issues that threaten the availability of water in the future.

The challenges of water scarcity require for their solution rigorous, science-based regimes of technological and managerial actions. These actions are needed: to achieve more efficient use of existing supplies; to recover and reclaim degraded surface and ground waters; and secure for future generations sustainable supplies of clean, healthful water. If allowed to continue intensifying water scarcity may constrain opportunities for economic development in the future. To preserve those opportunities water resources will need to be protected and managed in enlightened and science-based ways.

The IANAS Water Program is committed to the use of science to develop new strategies for managing water; to the recovery and recycling of degraded waters; and to the protection of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and aquifers. Crucial components of the program include capacity building to support water management; development of research and their publication that lead to new and effective water management strategies; and programs of societal education to highlight the needs for more rational water use.
Go to Strategy Statement of the program

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development

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Water Program Books

Captura de pantalla 2023-08-23 123045 Tapa Water and Health Tapas_Water Quality DOBLE_page-0002 Tapas_Water Quality DOBLE_page-0001 calidaddelagua foto tapa 01 – Broschure Bilingual Calidad del Agua 02 – Water quality INGLES water_03 book_01 05 desafios 06 challenges 07 desafios 08 book_02 book_03

Water Program - Recent Journal publications

36048d_C&TE0140 european union-brazil_page-0001 "Urban Water Management - Brazil-EU Cooperation"

Sector Dialogues is a cooperation instrument aimed at reinforcing the strategic partnership between the EU and Brazil, based on the principles of reciprocity, complementarity and mutual interest. Sector Dialogues aims to enhance exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices at technical and political level, in key areas of interest for both sides.

Read full article here...
Hugo Climate Change in CA_page-0001 "Climate Variability and Change in Central America: What Does It Mean for Water Managers?"

Policy Briefs in Frontiers for Water by Dr. Hugo Hidalgo, Costa Rica's water program focal point

1fe06e_Policy Brief_Folder_WEB CORRECT_page-0002 Policy brief: Urban Water Management - Brazil-EU Cooperation

Read full policy brief here...
Monitoring wastewater for assessing community health in cities "Monitoring wastewater for assessing community health in cities: perspectives and a proposal"

At present more than 4 billion people live in cities therefore Planet Earth is a Urban Planet (Science, 2016). Since cities are a critical pathway of changes in life style, economy, and environment, it is important to standardize a common gathering program and creating a shared platform for collecting/accessing/analyzing all information in urban regions based on high quality data. This will enable the administration to be more effective in the implementation of new and advanced public policies. Furthermore, considering the crucial role that dynamic of the all processes in cities play on the environment, it is fundamental to monitor air, water and soil quality and pollution impacts in order to evaluate the potential effects on human health both in short-term and long-term. Equally important is to monitor the effects of bacteriological and virologic infectious diseases or pandemics such as COVID-19.

Read the full article here...
The Challenges of Managing the Urban Waters of the “The Challenges of Managing the Urban Waters of the Americas”

As the Americas become increasingly urbanized, the challenges of providing water supplies for domestic and industrial uses continue to multiply in number and difficulty. Similarly, the problems of collecting, treating, and managing wastewater grow in magnitude and present their own special challenges to urban areas throughout the hemisphere. This article provides an overview and summary of these challenges in the entire American continent and part of the Caribbean and identifies directions for action to address many of them.

Read the full article here...
Water Resources in Nicaragua and COVID-19 “Water Resources of Nicaragua and COVID-19: Between panic and apathy?”

The severe global problem caused by the appearance and wide dispersion of the corona virus COVID-19 is manifested not only as a problem of public health, but also as an ecological imbalance due to a viral contagion between species of different organisms where the human species has been severely affected.

Read the full article here...
Eutrophication IANAS-1 “Eutrophication: A growing problem in the Americas and the Caribbean”

Eutrophication is one of the most prevalent and widespread environmental problems of inland waters in the world. Eutrophication is a natural process that slowly occurs over extended (i.e., geological) time scales; however, anthropogenic activities in the past century have drastically increased its rate, scope, and impact.

Read the full article here...


Coloquio-CS-Agua_tw-Ing Water quality: ecosystems and human health/Calidad del agua: salud de los ecosistemas y salud humana

Within the framework of actions aimed at disseminating and popularizing scientific knowledge in society, the Concytec, through the Special Program for the Popularization of Science, Technology and Innovation (PPOP), will hold the seventh edition of the Science and Society Colloquium called Quality of water: health of ecosystems and human health, this edition being the first to be organized internationally.

Ciclo anual actualizacion de conocimiento Videoconference "Ciclo anual 2020 Actualización de conocimientos"

Dr. Nicole Bernex and Dennis Ferguson Nicole Bernex, President of the Geographical Society of Lima, and Dennis Ferguson, Consultant in cultural development in "Water sustenance of life", present us with an interesting and pleasant video: "El Apu Pariacaca, Señor de los Hielos". - "... the God Pariacaca considered as the God of torrential rains and water, in the time of our ancestors, the Incas ..."

Watch the full Videoconference
agua_quality World Water Day 2019

The Academies of Sciences of the Americas organized different activities to present the recent publication "Water Quality in the Americas: Risks and Opportunities" during the World Water Day.


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