
Capacity Building

Capacity Building

Strengthening S&T in the Americas: Support to the IANAS Network

The Problem
The Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences (IANAS) is a regional network of 23 Academies of Sciences created to support cooperation towards the strengthening of science and technology as a tool for advancing research and development, prosperity and equity in the Americas.

Linking and strengthening the scientific community in the hemisphere, IANAS plays a major role in contributing to the promotion of scientific capacity and excellence for sustainable development in the Americas. Since its launch in 2004, IANAS has implemented two major programs: Science Education, and a Water Program. More recently the network has established two initiatives: a Women for Science Working Group, and an Energy Working Group. The programs and initiatives engage scientists from the IANAS membership, developing regional capacity building and influencing policy and decision making processes in the Americas.
In 2010 at the Conference and the 3rd IANAS General Assembly, besides discussing the future of the organization, the General Assembly will launch a bold IANAS Capacity Building Program.

The core goal of IAP, and of its regional subgroups including IANAS, is to work together to help build the capacities of science academies to contribute to meeting social and economic needs in their countries. The IANAS Capacity Building Program will be built based on the conviction that the strength of the scientific and technological community in each of our countries is the basis for the existence of an academy, and for the country to meet its goals. Therefore, the IANAS Capacity Building Program will need to include activities to strengthen academies per se, and activities that address the scientific capacity in the IANAS countries, and which also can strengthen scientific relationships within our region. IANAS needs to adopt a coherent strategic planning approach to this core Capacity Building goal, and also to the specific programs and initiatives which address important components of national capacity in sectoral and cross-cutting areas.

The program aims the support to the core activities of IANAS, providing the network the seed money that is necessary to keep the basic operation of the organization, to help structure the new Capacity Building Program, and to support a process of strategic planning for the organization.

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development

sdg4 sdg10 (1) sdg17

Capacity Building Books

cbb01 cbb02 cbb03

Activities - 2018

2018 – IANAS-IAP Sustainable Development Goals Workshop. Hosted by the Mexican Academy of Sciences IANAS-IAP Sustainable Development Goals Workshop. Hosted by the Mexican Academy of Sciences

Organized by IANAS-IAP Research, the Presidents of the Academies of Sciences of the Americas were invited to participate in a Workshop with the goal and unique opportunity to understand the SDGs and consider how the academies can best support them.

segunda actividad IAP Food and Nutrition Security Editorial Meeting

Hosted by the German National Academy of Sciences-Leopoldina and IAP.
Halle, Germany.
February 12-14, 2018

tercer Latin America and Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop

Hosted by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences
Rio de Janeiro
April 17-18, 2018

ECM04 IANAS EC Meeting

Hosted by the Mexican Academy of Sciences
Mexico City
May 27-30, 2018


Hosted by IAP
Mexico City
May 29-31, 2018

Activities - 2017

CR_1 Executive Committee Meeting

June 25th - 28th 2017 Costa Rica

L_1 IANAS-Food and Nutrition Security Meeting

April 2-4, 2017 Halle, Germany Hosted by the German National Academy of Sciences-Leopoldina and IAP

Activities - 2016

07 Food and Nutrition Security for the Americas: Initial Workshop

Food and Nutrition Security for the Americas: Initial Workshop Mexico City September 17th to 20th, 2016 IANAS / The National German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina / IAP / Mexican Academy of Sciences

meeting_salvador CCC General Assembly 2016

Caribbean Cientific Community and Caribbean Academies of Sciences Meeting co-organized and sponsored by CCC-CAS, ICSU-ROLAC and IANAS-IAP 29 and 30 of September, San Salvador, El Salvador

flyerCR16 (1) The Latin America and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC) II Regional Assembly

The Latin America and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC) is pleased to invite the entire geophysical community of the planet to its II Regional Assembly, which will be held in San José, Costa Rica, from the 20th to the 22nd of June 2016. LACSC is one of four Regional Commissions of IASPEI.

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