
IANAS Women for Science Program

IANAS Women for Science Program

IANAS Women for Science Program

IANAS Women for Science Program


Henriette Raventos (Costa Rica)

[email protected]
The Problem
Traditionally, women have been underrepresented in scientific and engineering research and in the technical work force. Even though women are presently entering these fields in greater numbers, their careers tend to remain in the lower ranks of the hierarchy and women are still poorly represented at the decision-making levels. In particular, women’s membership in national science academies in the region is low - nowhere is it above 30%, and in most countries it is under 20%; women academy presidents remain a rarity.

Science and technology (S&T) capacity building in the region will require the full engagement and participation of women from the top decision-making levels all the way down to the grassroots. Moreover, a greater diversity of life experience and points of view will enrich the S&T enterprise as well as the societies it serves.

Barriers to women’s participation may vary somewhat from country to country, but share many common features: absence of role models - especially in the higher ranks of the hierarchy, isolation as minorities in a traditionally male discipline, the omitting or undervaluing of the contributions of women in science, and traditional cultural perceptions about the role of women.

Under the sponsorship of IAP, the Global Network of Science Academies, IANAS established the Women for Science Working Group (WfS-WG) in June 2010.
- The IANAS WfS-WG has the mandate to advise IANAS and its member academies on fostering a climate in the sciences that is welcoming to women. It develops actions that increase the visibility of the contributions of women scientists and engineers in the region and provides these women with opportunities for networking by means of the WfS-WG web site.
- WfS-WG alerts and advises IANAS on gender aspects of its programmes and initiatives: those aspects that affect men and women differently. It does this by appointing liaisons and contributing speakers to each of the IANAS Programs; and by providing links to gender resources for each program on the WfS web page. It also alerts the IANAS development-oriented technical programs to the necessity to engage the bene ciaries as partners, to respect their cultures and to understand their needs.
- WfS-WG members are associated with North American, Latin American and worldwide organizations that focus on engaging and empowering women in S&T.
Go to overview of the program

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development

sdg5 sdg10

Women for Science Program Books

wsb01 wsb02 wsb03 wsb04 wsb05 wsb06

Women for Science Annual Focal Points Meeting - 2022

Captura de pantalla 2022-11-10 134914 October 24 - Virtual Meeting

Virtual meeting hosted by IANAS Secretariat. Women for Science Annual Focal Points meeting attendees were: Frances Henry and Ana Denicola, WfS program co-chairs; Henriette Raventós (Costa Rica), Gloria Dubner (Argentina), Cecilia Bouzat (Argentina), Ana Rada (Bolivia), Neela Badrie (Caribbean), Cecilia Hidalgo (Chile), Angela Camacho Beltran (Colombia), Jenny Ruales (Ecuador), María del Carmen Samayoa (Guatemala),  Melba Castillo (Nicaragua), Ruth Shady (Peru), Liliana López (Venezuela), Patricia Bozza (Brazil), Carolina Alduvin (Honduras), Marcos Cortesao Barnsley Scheuenstuhl (Brazil), Lucia Rothman (USA).


Anneke Levelt-Sengers Prize 2021 winner Joanna Lado


The Prize is named after Anneke Levelt-Senger in recognition to her outstanding work devoted to promote women for science in the Americas. The prize is coordinated and supported by IAP/IANAS. The IANAS Women for Science Focal Point Program called for a prize for young women scientists for 2021.


Census Report

wfs cuadro Census Report

This report presents the findings of the third update of our membership census. It was based on the same five questions that we had used in the last update. The questionnaire was sent out to all focal points in Oct, 2019.


Women for Science Annual Focal Points Meeting - 2020

WfS focal points meeting 2020 December 15 - Virtual Meeting

Virtual meeting hosted by IANAS Secretariat Women for Science Annual Focal Points meeting attendees were: Frances Henry and Ana Denicola, WfS program co-chairs; Henriette Raventós (Costa Rica), Gloria Dubner (Argentina), Mónica Moraes (Bolivia), Neela Badrie (Caribbean), Cecilia Hidalgo (Chile), Angela Camacho Beltran (Colombia), Milena Cabrera Maldonado (Dominican Republic), Jenny Ruales (Ecuador), María del Carmen Samayoa (Guatemala), Melba Castillo (Nicaragua), Dayra Alvarez (Panamá), Ruth Shady (Peru), Liliana López (Venezuela), Marcia Barbosa (Brazil), Carolina Alduvin (Honduras), Marcos Cortesao Barnsley Scheuenstuhl (Brazil), Jeremy N. McNeil (IANAS co-chair), Beatriz Caputto (IANAS Executive Director)


Women for Science Annual Focal Points Meeting - 2019

wfs focal points August 12-15, Bogotá, Colombia

Hosted by the Colombian Academy of Sciences, IANAS Women for Science Program attendes were: Gloria Dubner (Argentina), Marcia Marguis (and Marcos Cortesao, Brazil), Maria Cecilia Hidalgo (Chile), Monica Moraes (Bolivia), Frances Henry (Canada), Angela Camacho (Colombia), Henriette Raventos (Costa Rica), Olga Fernandez (Cuba), Milena Cabrera (Dominican Republic), Jenny Ruales (Ecuador), Maria del Carmen Samayoa (Guatemala), Carolina Alduvin (Honduras), Melba Castillo (Nicaragua), Dayra Alvarez (Panama), Ruth Shady (Peru), Ana Denicola (Uruguay), Lucia Rothman-Denes for Carol Gross USA), Liliana Lopez (Venezuela).


Women for Science Annual Focal Points Meeting - 2018

Rio 2018 WfS August 20-22, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

All following WfS focal points attended: Mariana Weissmann (Argentina), Marcia Barbosa (Brazil), Maria Cecilia Hidalgo(Chile), Monica Moraes (Bolivia), Frances Herny (Canada), Neel Badrie (Caribbean T&T), Angela Camacho (Cololmbia), Giselle Tamayo (Costa Rica), Olga Fernandez (Cuba), Maria V. Crespo (Ecuador), Maria del Carmen Samayoa (Guatemala), Carolina Alduvin (Honduras), Judith Zubieta (Mexico), Katherine Vammen (Nicaragua), Ruth Shady (Peru), Ana Denicola (Uruguay), Carol Gross (USA).


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